Other Sith confederated
In addition to the exploits of the great Dark Lords of the Sith, there have been other noteworthy people associated with the Sith that have made their mark on the history of the Galaxy. Following is the brief story of some of the greatest military and political Sith leaders, of powerful Sith sorcerers, fearless mercenaries, and of hapless adventurers that would indvertantly aid the Sith Empire.
QUEEN AMANOA "Queen of Onderon, also known as the Dark Queen, and mother of Galia, the successor to the throne following Amanoa's death. Amanoa retained remnants of the Sith magic left from the time of Freedon Nadd, and was able to call upon the Dark Side Forces to combat the Beast-Lords of Onderon. She was buried in a stone sarcophagus and eventually entombed on Dxun."
GAV and JORI DARAGON Hapless explorers that inadvertantly allowed Naga Sadow to invade the Republic in the Great Hyperspace War. Left to fend for themselves after their parents were killed on a mercy mission in a war zone, they turned to the dangerous occupation of hyperspace navigating, mapping new hyperspace lanes in the uncharted frontier of the known galaxy. After several unsuccessful attempts at mapping useful hyperspace courses, they fell into dispair with no home and no ship; Aarrba the Hutt would not give them their ship until they payed for the repairs done to it in his service dock. With nothing to lose, Gav and Jori stole their ship back and escaped into unexplored hyperspace, hoping to make their fortune . . . but their path landed them right into the heart of the awesome Sith Empire. They were promptly captured and sentenced to death as the precursors to an invasion. Naga Sadow covertly freed them from the prison on Ziost to use them as pawns in his grand scheme. Sadow began teaching the Force-sensitive Gav Sith magic, and tricked Jori into fleeing back to the Republic without her brother. Unbeknownst to Jori, Sadow had planted a homing device in her ship and now knew exactly how to get to the far off Republic . . . to conquer it. Jori made it back safely to the Republic, and broadcast a warning of the comming invasion; but Jori stumbled headlong into her own tarnished reputation. She and Gav had left under bad circumstances, skipping out on large debts and obligations, fleeing the law. No one would listen to her accounts of the fabled Sith Empire and was instead dragged off to prison. After escaping from a prison colony, Jori managed to get her warning to the Empress Teta, who had already learned of the Sith's intentions from her Jedi advisors and was preparing her defenses. Meanwhile, Sadow gave Gav command of the Sith invasion fleet because of his knowledge of the Republic. He grudgingly accepted the command, but gave it up after realizing how much death and destruction Sadow's war was causing. In an attempt to kill Sadow, Gav was stranded aboard Sadow's meditation sphere as the Primus Goluud star exploded. Jori, however, survived the war and became the new owner of Aarrba's Repair Dock.
DURGE The bounty hunter known as Durge had weathered centuries of violence and warfare, emerging as a merciless and nearly unstoppable warrior driven by ancient vendettas. Though he identified himself as a bounty hunter, he held no guild allegiance, answered to no benefactor, and seemed to have no need of riches. He hunted for the pure sport of it, to feed an insatiable bloodlust that spanned literally hundreds of worlds and almost two thousand years. When completely encased in his battered high impact armor, Durge's true alien heritage was obscured. Though humanoid in appearance, Durge was a Gen'Dai, a rare species with an unusually long lifespan -- some Gen'Dai reportedly have lived for over four thousand years. Born two thousand years before the fall of the Republic, he was regarded by his elders as an exceptional physical specimen at a young age. A predilection for aggression, coupled by witnessing bounty hunters in action, forever steered young Durge into a lifetime of violence. Eleven hundred years before the fall of the Republic, Durge was hired to kill the leader of the Mandalorians. Though he succeeded, the Mandalorians struck back and managed and subdue Durge. Leave it to the Mandalorians to devise a means of restraining a Gen'Dai. They turned Durge's longevity against him, finding ways of inflicting pain throughout his scattered nerves. He was a victim of unspeakable torture, unable to die. Durge was able to escape the Mandalorians, and retreated to parts unknown to hibernate and recover. It took nearly a century to undo the damage the Mandalorians wrought. Though his physical body had healed, Durge's already dangerous psyche was pushed further past the brink of sanity. When Durge emerged from his slumber, he sought vengeance on the Mandalorians. He was cheated of his revenge as he learned they were all but extinct. He soon found purpose, though. He had awakened to a galaxy at war, a galaxy where the Jedi Knights led clone soldiers in battle against the automated troops of the Confederacy. The charismatic Count Dooku lured Durge into his ranks, and the ancient bounty hunter relished an ironic twist in his quest for retribution. The Republic clones were cast from a Mandalorian genetic template. In becoming Dooku's henchman, the bounty hunter was teamed up with Asajj Ventress, a Dark Jedi and commander within the Separatist military. The two were formidable adversaries for the Republic, and Durge took the lives of many Jedi with great zeal. Durge was also dispatched to bolster the security of Muunilinst, the homeworld of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. He organized and led a droid army of IG lancer droids, creating an elite rapid deployment military force to protect this key world of the Confederacy. Durge led his droid forces in defense of Muunilinst when a huge Republic taskforce attacked the planet. Durge's army inflicted great damage to the armored vehicles of the Republic army, but Durge was ultimately bested in one-on-one combat with General Obi-Wan Kenobi.
SIFO DYAS Jedi Master thought to have died shortly following the Trade Federation's invasion of Naboo. Under the orders of Sifo Dyas, the Kamino cloners began constructing a massive clone army for the Republic. The order for a clone army was placed without the Republic's, or the Jedi Council's, knowledge. Since the Jedi Master would not have acted without the Council's approval, it is suspected that in fact the order was placed by someone impersonating Sifo Dyas. The Jedi Masters untimely death prevented anyone from finding out about the clone army for another 10 years.
JANGO FETT Known as one of the best, and most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. He wears Mandalorian armor, rife with hidden weapons, and sporting a jet/rocket pack. Hand picked by Count Dooku to be the model for the clone army. From his genetic material, the Kamino cloners created several hundred thousand clones to serve as an army for the Republic. During the ten years Jango spent on Kamino, he divided his time between bounty hunting and raising his "son", Boba. Jango likely worked purely for the money, and cared little for the schemings of Count Dooku and the Separatist movement. Nearing the beginning of the Clone Wars Jango took the contract posted by Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation to assassinate Senator Amidala. Jango Fett subcontracted Zam Wesell to do the job, but she died for her troubles instead. Intent on finding the assassin, Obi-Wan Kenobi tracked Jango to Kamino and confronted him... leaving with wounded pride at not winning the fight, but able to follow the homing beacon he placed on Slave I. Following the tracking device, Kenobi had another confrontation with Jango in the asteroid belt above Geonosis. Again, neither combatant triumphed. Jango finally met his end in the Geonosian arena at the hand of Jedi Master Mace Windu, just as the first battle of the Clone Wars was escalating.
BOBA FETT "Son" of Jango Fett, Boba is an identical clone of Jango. That was one of Jango's stipulations in the contract to be used as the model for the Republic's clone army. Trained by Jango from his very birth, Boba grew up living and breathing 'bounty hunter' all his life. His father treated him as both son and apprentice. This lifelong indoctrination molded Boba Fett into the greatest and most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, even more so than his father Jango. Aboard Slave I, inherited from his father, Boba chased the most difficult and lucrative contracts the galaxy had to offer. That eventually led him to Darth Vader, who had placed a contract on Han, Chewie, Leia, and Luke. Fett cared nothing for the Empire, but noone paid higher bounties than the Empire. Beating out other top bounty hunters, Boba Fett captured Han, Chewie, and Leia in Bespin's Cloud City. Although Chewie and Leia managed to escape, with the aid of Lando Calrissian, Han was frozen in carbonite and transported by Fett to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. There Boba hung around, flirted with the dancing girls... and waiting for Leia and Chewie to try and rescue Han. They did show up for the rescue, but Boba ran into some bad luck during the battle at the Pit of Carkoon when the half-blind Han Solo inadvertantly wacked Boba's jet pack with a vibro-pike... setting off his thrusters and sending him careening out of control and falling into the Sarlacc Pit. Boba did survive several days in the belly of the Sarlacc, and eventually managed to blow his way out using his grenade launcher. However, Boba was terribly burned and scared from the Sarlacc's stomach acids. Luck favored him this time as Dengar found him, half-dead, laying on the sand near the Pit. Dengar nursed him back to health and formed an uneasy friendship with him. After recovering, Boba continued his bounty hunting until finally retiring and disappearing, living out the rest of his life in peace... until the Yuuzhan Vong invaded the galaxy. Seeing the immense threat that the Vong posed, Fett rejoined the Mandalorian Protectors in the fight against the Yuuzhan Vong.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS General of the Separatist's droid army during the Clone Wars. An alien of unknown species, he has replaced almost his entire body with droid parts. Fast and agile, his droid body has many concealed weapons that he uses expertly while killing all his opponents, including Jedi. His superiority in battle is surpassed only by his mastery of military strategy. Grievous led the droid army to many victories against the Republic.
SET HARTH Had Set Harth remained true to the Jedi Code, he could one day have become a powerful Jedi Knight. But from the beginning, Harth felt that the shortest distance between opposing viewpoints was violence, preferring fighting to talking. Following the battle of Ruusan, where his master died, Harth chose to continue his training by himself. He sought out knowledge and artifacts of the Sith. In his search he dueled with several Sith warriors, those that were not on Ruusan. During his combat, Set gave in to his anger, opening himself to the Dark Side. He later encountered a Dark Jedi, Bal Serinus, who he fought to a stale-mate, but where then both captured by a Hutt slaver.
LORD HETHRIR Lord Hethrir was the Emperor's Procurator of Justice, charged with carrying out death sentences imposed by the Emperor on individuals, or even entire worlds. Personally trained as a Dark Jedi by Vader, Hethrir wielded tremendous power - at least until the Emperor's death at Endor. Hethrir departed the Empire for the Outer Rim Territories, hoping to rebuild the Empire. Ten years after the Battle of Endor, Lord Hethrir encountered an extradimensional intelligence called Waru. This creature was brought into existence by Hethrir's scientists, and consumed the life essences of others in order to survive. For Waru to return to his own reality, he needed the life energy of someone strong in the Force. Hethrir was an opportunity to both appease the powerful Waru and to weaken the New Republic. He kidnapped the children of Han and Leia Organa Solo, and planned to sacrifice Anakin Solo but was prevented by Anakin's parents and Luke Skywalker. The enraged Waru took out its anger on Hethrir, and the two of them vanished from the known universe.
HOLOCRON TEACHERS A holocron is an extremely rare, crystalline storage device that serves as a repository of information. Embedded within the crystal, primitive holo-technology allows the device to display moving images of the data stored within it, usually in the form of teachers who contributed their knowledge to the creation of the device. The interactive technology enables the "teacher" to hold conversations with the holocron's user. Although Sith holocrons are extremely rare (even rarer than Jedi holocrons), there are a few known Sith that stored their knowledge in a holocron. Kla, the "gatekeeper." An ancient Jedi consular who turned to the ways of the Sith long before the coming of Darth Bane, Kla is an exotic humanoid with encyclopedic knowledge of the Sith Empire under Naga Sadow. He lies to those who access the holocron, telling them that they can only access specific knowledge by physically attaching the holocron to ancient devices sealed in burial vaults on the Sith graveyard world Korriban. His true intention is to lure naive Force-users to a place where they can be possessed by Sith spirits-including his own. Komok-Da, the armorer. Komok-Da is descended from the original Sith, the species conquered by the corrupted Jedi who founded the Sith tradition. A master of weapons and armor, he can provide detailed instructions on building any Sith weapon, including double-bladed lightsabers and Sith poison. He seems almost academic about his approach, apparently uncaring as to who uses his knowledge or how. In truth, he is obsessed with the killing power of his designs. He only discloses full information to those who demonstrate their ability to kill wihtout mercy. Bo Vanda, the alchemist. Bo Vanda is plainly insane - and just as plainly brilliant. She eagerly and happily displays graphic representations of alchemical processes working on helpless subjects, explaining in gleeful terms how the victim responded to the treatment. Should the holocron's user express a desire to stop viewing the material, Vanda shrieks her anger and derision that only the weak fear what they requested to see. She essentially dares the user to see each process through to the end and duplicate the experiments. Otherwise, she simply refuses to confer with the user, berating him mercilessly whenever she is called.
KRATH SATAL KETO and his cousin ALEEMA, heirs to the throne of the Empress Teta system, formed the secret Dark Side society they called "The Krath," after a demon from the fairy tales of their youth. Captivated by the Sith culture, they began their road to the Dark Side by stealing an ancient book of Sith spells from the Galactic Museum on Coruscant. While on a fieldtrip to Onderon they were introduced to the ways of the Sith by the spirit of Freedon Nadd. As they grew more powerful with the Sith magic they boldly staged a political coup in the Empress Teta system and took control of it from their father. Aleema grew adept at using the Sith magic to create realistic, and frequently deadly, illusions. Satal was killed by Ulic Qel-Droma after he learned of Ulic's plan to destroy them and tried to assassinate him. In love with Ulic, Aleema joined him and Exar Kun to start the Sith War. But during the Krath's assault on Coruscant, Aleema betrayed Ulic and left him to be captured by the Jedi. After being rescued by Exar Kun, Ulic sent the unsuspecting Aleema on a suicide mission to attack Kemplex Nine; using an ancient Sith weapon that was aboard Naga Sadows old ship Aleema ripped the core of one of the ten stars in the Cron Cluster and threw it at the pursuing Republic fleet, destroying them, but also causing the star, and subsequently the other 9 stars, to supernova. The imense explosion obliterated Aleema and Sadow's ship, and also ravaged the nearby planet of Ossus, site of the Great Jedi Library.
LUDO KRESSH Powerful Sith Lord and arch-rival to Naga Sadow. Following the death of Marka Ragnos, Ludo Kressh was Sadow's only opponent for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. An isolationist, Kressh felt the Sith Empire should stay the way it was; contrary to the progressive thinking of Naga Sadow who wanted expansion and conquest. Kressh saw the arrival of Gav and Jori Daragon as the precursors to an invasion by the Republic and had them sentenced to death. But the expansionist Sadow staged their rescue and made it look like the Republic really was invading. The Sith Lords were thrown into an uproar, seeing the evidence, and assuming they had been attacked by Republic forces. In turmoil, they turned to Naga Sadow for leadership and named him the Dark Lord of the Sith. Outraged, Ludo Kressh stormed off, taking his supporters with him. Discovering Sadow's trickery, Kressh mounted an armed rebellion against the evil Dark Lord, vowing to fight to save the Sith Empire from Sadow's reckless plans. While attacking Sadow's fortress on Khar Shian, Kressh had inadvertantly waltzed into an ambush set by the Dark Lord. With Ludo Kressh out of the way, Naga Sadow was free to conquer the Republic. Having narrowly escaped, Ludo Kressh retreated to prepare his own plans to regain rule of the Sith Empire in Sadow's absence. With nearly the entire Sith fleet under Sadow's command off invading the Republic, it was not a difficult task for Kressh and he named himself the true Dark Lord of the Sith. But it was not long before Sadow's defeated fleet limped back to the Sith Empire, and even in it's depleated state was able to destroy Ludo Kressh once and for all.
MANDALORE "A mercenary warlord, conqueror of the planet that now bears his name, near the Empress Teta system. Mandalore the Indomitable lost a forced confrontation with Ulic Qel-Droma at the Harkul plains, and became a willing servent to him." He and all his Mandalorian commandos joined Ulic and Exar Kun in the Sith War against the Republic. "He is an antecedent of Boba Fett and the Mandalorian supercommandos of later generations, and like Boba Fett, wears a metal mask that covers his entire face." Following the final battle on Ossus, Mandalore and his remaining warriors retreated to the jungles of Dxun in an attempt to lose their Republic pursuers. Unfortunately, Mandalore the Indomitable fell to the mighty beasts of Dxun. Years later, another Mandalorian warlord took up the mantle of Mandalore and lead the Mandalorians during the Mandalorian War. After three years of bloody fighting with the Republic, Mandalore the Ultimate was finally killed by the Jedi Revan and Malak.
FREEDON NADD "A Jedi, he was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force and apprenticed himself to a Dark Lord of the Sith." Unable to become a Dark Lord as long as his master lived, Nadd fled to Onderon and made himself king. Even after his death, the spirit of Freedon Nadd kept the Dark Side of the Force strong on Onderon by secretly teaching all the successive rulers in the ways of the Sith. The tomb of Freedon Nadd was a location of concentrated Dark Side power. This reign of darkness was brought to an end when the Jedi interceeded in the Beast Wars and later quelled the Freedon Nadd uprising. His sarcophagus was eventually moved to Dxun. But the spirit of Freedon Nadd did not stop there. He started Exar Kun down the path of the Dark Side by showing him the secrets of the Sith on Korriban and Yavin 4. And it was on Yavin 4 that Exar Kun acquired the Sith amulet that he used to destroy Nadd's spirit forever.
LORD NYAX Once known as Irek Ismaren, purportedly the son of Roganda Ismaren and Palpatine, he secretly trained as a Dark Jedi on Coruscant. When another Dark Jedi showed up, they partnered up for a short time before disagreements lead to a duel. Ismaren killed the other Jedi, but not before receiving a fatal lightsaber thrust through the skull. Not wanting to accept her son's death, Roganda got medical droids to keep his autonomic functions going, and replaced his damaged brain parts with electronics. He was placed in a suspended animation unit surrounded by ysalamiri (to isolate his force abilities) in a secret research facility in the atmosphere processing facility on Coruscant. He would not emerge until shortly after the fall of Coruscant to the Vuuzhan Vong. When he did emerge, his body was stretched to 3 meters tall from biological manipulation, and he was brainwashed with Dark Side and Sith training. His damaged brain could not handle complex thought, which left him as an incredibly powerful, yet simple minded Dark Jedi... a deadly combination for any opponent, even Luke Skywalker.
KING OMMIN "The King of Onderon, and father of Galia. A direct descendant of Freedon Nadd, he was confined to a secret nursing facility, living on life-support equipment for years, but still able to call upon the spirit form of Freedon Nadd in order to practice Sith magic. He was killed during the Freedon Nadd Uprising" during which with the help of Nadd's spirit he tried to take control of Onderon once again using Sith powers.
ULIC QEL-DROMA A headstrong and overconfidant Alderaanian Jedi apprenticed to the Jedi Master Arca Jeth of Arkania. Along with his brother, Cay Qel-Droma, and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta their first mission as Jedi Knights was to bring peace to the planet of Onderon. They managed to end the centuries-old civil war between the Beast-warriors and the inhabitants of the massive city of Iziz by directly interceding and fighting, to the dismay of Master Arca, instead of using their mental powers. With the help of several other Jedi they put down the Freedon Nadd uprising that followed shortly after. During the massive assault by joint Republic and Jedi forces at Koros Major against the Krath, Ulic was wounded by shrapnel and infected by Sith magic. That failed attack and the assassination of Master Arca on Deneba precipitated Ulic's decision to join the Krath and destroy them from the inside. While infiltrating the Krath, Satal Keto learned of Ulic's plan and trieed to kill him. But instead Ulic killed Satal with anger that was heightened by sith poison that Satal infected him with. In the first confrontation between Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun the spirits of past Dark Lords of the Sith interceded in the fight and declared Kun the new Dark Lord and Ulic his apprentice. This was a turning point for Ulic, for he had irrevocably started down the path of the Dark Side. From then on they joined forces and, along with Aleema and Mandalore, started the Sith War in an attempt to reshape the galaxy into the new Golden Age of the Sith. During the aborted assault on Coruscant, Aleema betrayed Ulic and left him to be captured by the Jedi. Ulic was to be tried for treason against the Republic, along with many other charges, but was rescued by Exar Kun during the trial. In return for her betrayal, Ulic Qel-Droma sent the unsuspecting Aleema on a mission that would end in a massive supernova set off by her Sith magic, ultimately destroying her, her ship, and the nearby planet of Ossus. All this time his brother Cay had been trying to convince Ulic to end his stupid mission and return to the Light Side. But that came to and end when in a fit of Dark Side anger Ulic killed his own brother, and then fell into shock after realizing what he had done. Upon witnessing this, Nomi Sunrider, Ulic's ex-love, used a Jedi power taught to her by master Odan-Urr and imprisoned Ulic in a wall of Light, making him blind to the Force. With no connection to the Force, Light or Dark, Ulic realized his faults and began his redemption by leading the Jedi to Yavin 4 so they could destroy Exar Kun. Stripped of the Force, Ulic went into self-imposed exile on Rhen Var. There he hoped to sort out his thoughts and emotions in peace, but that was interrupted by the arrival of Nomi Sunrider's daughter, Vima. She insisted he train her as a Jedi, to which he grudgingly agreed. However, Sylvar managed to track him down as an enemy to the Republic for his actions during the Sith War. In a vicious lighsaber duel that ended bloodlessly, Sylvar finally was freed from her anger. Unfortunately, Hoggon, the freighter pilot that brought Sylvar to Rhen Var, shot Ulic in the back. Ulic Qel-Droma died in the arms of Nomi Sunrider and vanished as a Jedi master becoming one with the Force.
RAIN (Zannah) and TOMCAT (Darovit) Two unlucky force-sensitive children who would play a small part in the rise of Darth Bane. Rain and Tomcat, along with their cousin Bug, were conscripted to fight with the Jedi against the Sith on the planet Ruusan.When they first arrive on Ruusan their ship is ambushed by the Sith, and Rain is lost out a hole blown in their ship. Tomcat makes it to the Jedi army encampment and is immediately unnerved by the apperent lack of strength of the Jedi. In the heat of battle Tomcat eventually loses his control and releases his anger. Angry that the Jedi seem weak, Tomcat joins the Sith, feeling that they are the ones who truly use the force to its fullest extent. After falling from their ship, Rain was saved by a sentient, and force-sensitive creature native to Ruusan. Her immense Force powers begin to manifest, and she eventually meets Darth Bane. In an emotional confrontation, Tomcat ultimately kills his own cousin and friend, Bug. Narrowly escaping death when the Sith thought bomb detonated, Tomcat confronts Bane and Rain... losing his right hand, and his dignity. Rain joins with Darth Bane, possibly becoming his apprentice. Tomcat forsakes both Jedi and Sith and wanders the universe as a normal man.
RAKATA EMPIRE The Rakata Empire existed thousands of years before the Galactic Empire. They built their vast empire using the Dark Side of the Force. Their abuse of the Dark Side would ultimately lead to their downfall, for their empire fell apart as they lost their connection to the force completely. The Rakata Empire's legacy would live on in the form of the Star Forge: a giant orbital space-station/factory that drew its power from the sun it orbited and from the Dark Side. Malak and Revan would later use the Star Forge to drive the New Sith War.SITH SHADOWS "The Sith Shadows are a band of mercenaries led by a zealot Force-wielder named Mellichae. Mellichae was a promising student of the dark side, being considered for a position as one of the Emperor's Hands, alongside Mara Jade. However, things took a brutal turn for Mellichae when it was discovered that he held such low regard for the Emperor and his politics that he planned to assassinate him and insert himself as the new Sith Lord. Darth Vader himself dispatched Mellichae, severing one of his limbs and leaving him for dead. In a rare mistake on Vader's part Mellichae survived, and has harbored his bitter rage over the following years, growing increasingly more insane. Mellichae has formed his own band of followers now, called the Sith Shadows. His mercenary group consists of smugglers, pirates, outlaws, and murderers of all kinds. Their dark personalities mesh well with Mellichae's goals, allowing them to survive under his rule. No one joins the Sith Shadows lightly, and no one has ever left their employ alive. Mellichae, the Zabrak, is a mercenary. He believes he works for the Emperor, though the one time he did try to trace his payments back any further than three or four steps he hit a brick wall like nothing he'd ever encountered. Some of his men speculate that they're actually working for Black Sun. Prince Xizor certainly had his own animosity towards the Jedi. And yet, despite their not keeping a low profile they never seem to be arrested, they're rarely harassed by local Imperial politics, and they seem curiously well funded. They call themselves The Sith Shadows, or more often just the Shadows, since they're affiliation with the Sith is mostly wishful thinking." (from Star Wars Galaxies video game)SEPARATIST MOVEMENT In the ten years preceding the Clone Wars, thousands of systems seceded from the Old Republic because they felt it had become ineffective and had grown too ponderous and unresponsive. Many powerful systems and organizations like the Trade Federation, Banker's Guild, and Corporate Alliance banded together against the Republic. Promising free trade without tariffs or restrictions, Count Dooku rallied nearly half of the Republic's number to the Separatists, and with huge droid armies planned to overthrow the Republic. Unbeknownst to all, Dooku in fact was Lord Sidious' Sith apprentice, and the Separatist Movement was all master-minded by Sidious as a means to divide the republic and create a galactic situation where he could get the senate to vote him emergency powers. Effectively paving the way for him declaring himself Emperor. As the Separatist's plans were first discovered by the Jedi, the Republic's clone army was unleashed... and the Clone Wars begun. The revolution was eventually quashed, but it left Supreme Chancellor Palpatine with total control over the Senate, and the means to establish his Empire.
TRADE FEDERATION "A corrupt coalition of merchants composed of officials from many planets. Considered greedy and immoral, the Trade Federation blockaded the peaceful world of Naboo to protest the Republic's taxation of galactic trade routes. When this failed to impress the Senate, the corporation unleashed a secret army of battle droids and well-equipped vehicles. The Naboo and their allies eventually repelled the invasion when Anakin Skywalker destroyed the Trade Federation's droid control ship." However, the Trade Federation was in fact a hapless pawn of Darth Sidious. The outcome of the invasion was irrelevant to him since it was only a monumental ploy to get himself elected to Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Senate. Enraged at the betrayal of Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation allied itself with Count Dooku and the Separatist movement. The trade federations battleships and battledroids were a strong part of the Separatist's army in their fight against the Old Republic during the Clone Wars.
ASAJJ VENTRESS One of the most deadly and tragic opponents to emerge from the battlefields of the Clone Wars was Asajj Ventress, a disciple of the dark side and sworn enemy of the Jedi. Much of her past remains shrouded in mystery. Ventress hails from Rattatak, a barbaric world where violent bloodshed is a daily occurence. The primitive world is far from the Republic borders, and somehow, a young Jedi named Ky Narec came to be stranded on this forsaken world. Cut off from the Jedi Council, Narec took it upon himself to train a Force-strong young girl named Asajj Ventress. As a result, she had the skills of the Jedi combined with a raw, unfocused talent in the Force. But she never controlled her instinctual fury, and when her master passed away, she developed a hatred for the Republic that had abandoned her mentor, and had ignored the atrocities of Rattatak. Shortly after the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku came to Rattatak, looking for another world to add to the Separatist fold. What he found instead was far more promising. Ventress' raw talent and fierce determination impressed Dooku. The charismatic leader of the Confederacy was able to recruit the young warrior by appealing to her disgust with the Jedi and the Republic. Dooku confirmed Ventress' bitter ideas that the Jedi had abandoned their ethics and convictions. Ventress proved her skills by challenging Dooku to a duel. Though Dooku won in the sparring contest, he invited Ventress to accompany him back into the Confederacy as a personal protg. Though Ventress longed to identify herself as a Sith, she did not receive Sith training. Dooku taking her on as a Sith apprentice would have violated the ancient covenant of only two Sith Lords at a time. While Dooku helped hone her talents, he taught her none of the knowledge unique to the Sith. Her skills were a combination of incomplete Jedi training coupled with her own techniques. Her raw talents and bottomless well of anger and pain bolstered her dark side abilities. Giving into her rage granted her further powers. Ventress proved to be a cunning military mastermind, and Dooku made her a commander within the Separatist army. One of her first assignments was disrupting a meeting between Jedi Master Mace Windu and a group of dissident Jedi. Dooku had no compunctions about exploiting and lying to Asajj to meet his ends. He told her that Windu was responsible for the abandonment of her former Jedi mentor. Asajj did battle with Windu on the moon of Ruul, and though Asajj was forced to flee the fight, Windu came to realize that a new and dark menace to the Jedi was at large. General Obi-Wan Kenobi followed Asajj to the chemical weapon development plants on Queyta. Asajj was tasked by Count Dooku to once again offer Kenobi a chance to join the Separatists, but the Jedi refused. Asajj again escaped to plague the Republic on other battlefronts.
ZAM WESELL A changeling bounty hunter hired by Jango Fett to assassinate Senator Amidala. Her first attempt failed when she blew up the Senator's ship as it landed on Coruscant, and only managed to kill her bodyguard/decoy. For her second attempt she delivered a pair of venomous, centipede-like Kouhuns to Amidala's apartment via an assassin probe droid. This failed too when Anakin Skywalker barged in and dispatched the Kouhuns with his lightsaber. Obi-Wan Kenobi dove out the window and grabbed onto the probe droid before it could escape, but escaped anyway with Kenobi hanging on to it. As the probe droid neared Zam's lookout position, she expertly shot down the droid... leaving Kenobi to plummet to his death. However, Anakin had also taken up the chase and caught Kenobi in a speeder. That began an incredible speeder chase through the countless level of Coruscant, ending at a seedy, lower-level bar. Zam was wounded by Kenobi's lightsaber as she tried to ambush him in the bar, and subsequently died by a toxic saberdart fired by Jango Fett. |